This year’s most successful film, “Jaari,” marked the directorial debut of Upendra Subba. Known previously as a poet, he achieved success with his first film. Currently, there is immense pressure from distributors to directors to make a sequel to “Jaari 2.” Despite the pressure, he has decided to make a sequel to “Jaari,” believing that it is necessary to bring new names and stories rather than just sequels.
In a recent interview, director Subba stated, “I didn’t initially desire to make ‘Jaari 2’ from within. We had many stories to work on. Before starting the film, I had about 5-6 story ideas in mind. I was contemplating making a film based on those stories. However, after the success of ‘Jaari,’ there was so much talk in the media about me making ‘Jaari 2.’ But things are not as easy as they seem.” Actor Dayahang Rai also expressed his desire to make “Jaari 2,” urging Upendra to undertake the project.
Director Subba further explained, “Many friends and distributors also suggest the same. They say money will come, they show greed (laughs). Even fellow artists were excited. When Daya said he wanted to make ‘Jaari 2,’ I felt a bit pressured. But, it’s not just about making ‘Jaari 2.’ Even I am drawn towards it.”
He has shared plans to make a film in the coming year and has already prepared a storyline. “I have come up with a sweet story for this. When I shared it with the team, they agreed to make a film based on it. Originally, I had thought of making a film based on the story of a Bengali friend of mine. But now, stopping that, I will make ‘Jaari 2.'”
He plans to continue making films until the age of 60, after which he wants to focus on his personal life. “Maybe I’ll work until I’m 60. There are no plans to do much after that. After 60, I’ll focus on my personal life. That’s why within 60 years, I can make about 5-6 films,” he said.
His second directed film, “Mansara,” is set to release on April 21.