Weather forecast: Expect Light Rain with Thunder and Lightning in Select Areas Today

Weather Forecast Today

The Weather Forecasting Division reports that the current weather pattern in Nepal is influenced partly by a western low-pressure system and local wind conditions.

According to the Division, the weather across hilly regions, particularly the Koshi Province, remains mostly clear, with other parts of the country experiencing similar conditions.

This afternoon, clear weather is expected to persist in hilly areas encompassing Koshi, Madhesh, Bagmati, and Gandaki provinces. However, some areas may experience partial cloud cover.

Scattered to light rainfall, accompanied by thunder and lightning, is likely in select locations within Koshi, Madhesh, and Bagmati provinces, with isolated occurrences in remaining hilly regions. Additionally, isolated light snowfall is possible in specific high-altitude regions of the Koshi, Bagmati, and Gandaki provinces.

Clear conditions are expected to continue in the hilly regions of Koshi, Madhesh, Bagmati, and Gandaki provinces during the night, while scattered instances of light rain with thunder and lightning may persist in certain hilly areas.

Considering the potential for scattered to light rain along with thunder and lightning, the Division advises people to take necessary precautions due to the expected partial impact on various aspects of daily life, including agriculture, health, tourism, mountain climbing, as well as road and air transportation.

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