Weather Forecast: Kathmandu Anticipates Afternoon Rainfall

Kathmandu Anticipates Afternoon Rainfall

Weather Forecast: Aligned with the national trend, Kathmandu Valley is witnessing partial weather changes this Monday morning. The sky displays partial cloud cover, with clouds occupying 26 to 50 percent of the area. The Weather Forecast Division anticipates a likelihood of rain in the valley post-noon, with potential scattered to light showers accompanied by thunder and lightning.

Over the last 24 hours, Kathmandu Valley has recorded 5.6 mm of rainfall, according to Division reports. While mornings may remain clear for a few more days, the Division cautions about possible developments such as increased cloudiness as the day progresses.

With shifting weather patterns and the onset of rain, the minimum temperature in Kathmandu Valley has notably decreased. The Division notes a plunge to 7 degrees Celsius at 6:45 am today (Monday), a significant drop from Sunday’s minimum of 13.6 degrees Celsius. Moreover, the Division forecasts that today’s maximum temperature in the Valley could range between 22 to 24 degrees Celsius, a decrease from Sunday’s peak of 26.0 degrees Celsius.

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